Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Iron Hands Tech Marine

Couldn't sleep last night as my daughter has given me her cold/chest infection. How kind of her. So between the hours of midnight and 3am I knocked up this tech marine minus his harness. Will try to do that today.I have been putting off painting my Iron hands because I was unsure on how to do the black. This was done with Adeptus Battle grey then washed with Badab black. I think the next one will be done with a lighter grey then the badab. I had read in white dwarf awhile ago that this was a good technique for get highlights done quickly on black models. I think the Battlegrey was too dark to begin with tbh. However as it was stupid o'clock in the morning for this model it was good enough. The rest of the model was straight forward.

Saturday, 24 January 2009

1st 3 Saurus off the production line

Well I didn't really want to go paint the whole army blue, I think I would have gotten bored of painting lizardmen if they were all going to be blue. Anyway I went with a green theme with the saurus but I tried to keep some red/orange in the scheme to tie them in with the skinks.

I didn't try to paint all the scales on the saurus either, I think for just a table top finish it would have been to lengthy a task especially as I expect I will be getting another 16 when these guys are done.

So the paint job is my version of table top quality and hope a, you agree and b you like them. I know there is the odd mold line here and there but the flash on the camera really exaggerated them and they really are not that bad.

Friday, 16 January 2009

Slann and Base

So I had a great response from the skinks I posted so thanks. It got me to keep on going and move on to my Slann. The flash on the pic of the Slann kinda distorts/hides the gold but I think it looks good in the flesh as it were. The base is sculpted/cobbled together from miliput and I tried to copy the symbol that is on the top of the Slanns floating throne. The throne comes next.Wish me luck

Thursday, 15 January 2009


Here is a few pics of my deathguard / nurgle project. So far its had 3 outings. 2 Wins and 1 loss.
Sorry about the gravy jug it was new years day :)

Lizardmen Skinks

So making a start on Lizardmen.

Bought a box of skinks on monday, Just to give me a head start before the book comes out.