Monday 1 March 2010

Kit Bashed Deff Dread

Here are a couple of pics of my WIP kit bash Deff Dread. No where near finished yet but wanted to share. I think I need to add so more bulk to the hip and leg areas and obviously 2 more weapons. As I already have 2 Deff Dreads both with 4 DCCW I think this big bow will come with something else. Maybe Skorchas

Friday 26 February 2010

Thursday 25 February 2010

Thursday 19 February 2009

So this is the result so far of the Steg I bought a few weeks back. The GS filling I had to do is not evident at all which for me is good :)

Just need to do a couple for skinks and stick on the real pole.

Hope you like it

Red Scorpions

I really enjoyed the forge world book so just had to have a stab at painting a couple of these bad boys. I bought the shoulders and the Sarges head but was not over keen on the sword so swapped it for an axe.

Thursday 5 February 2009


Managed to get my hands on one on monday and although the kit is really nice it is the 1st plastic kit that I have had to use green stuff on. I found around the front legs and around the front of the head to be the worst fitting places. They still join ok but do leave sone unsightly gaps. So when buying your steg i would say better grab some green stuff just in case. Oh and the other pic is of the chaos known as my painting table.

Tuesday 27 January 2009

Iron Hands Tech Marine

Couldn't sleep last night as my daughter has given me her cold/chest infection. How kind of her. So between the hours of midnight and 3am I knocked up this tech marine minus his harness. Will try to do that today.I have been putting off painting my Iron hands because I was unsure on how to do the black. This was done with Adeptus Battle grey then washed with Badab black. I think the next one will be done with a lighter grey then the badab. I had read in white dwarf awhile ago that this was a good technique for get highlights done quickly on black models. I think the Battlegrey was too dark to begin with tbh. However as it was stupid o'clock in the morning for this model it was good enough. The rest of the model was straight forward.